Democratic Johnson County Council candidate resigns; vacancy to be filled via slating

A Democratic candidate for Johnson County Council has stepped down to take on a full-time role with a U.S. Senate campaign.

Charrie Stambaugh was one of the top three vote-getters in the four-way race for three Democratic nominations for county council at-large. A slating process will now decide who will replace her to run alongside on the November ballot, said Amanda Stevenson-Holmes, chair of the Johnson County Democrats.

Candidates still in the county council race are Democrats Blythe Potter and Michael Chiapetta, and Republicans Ron Bates, Michele Ann Graves and Melinda Griesemer.

Stambaugh had been the marketing director for Johnson County Democrats and Dr. Valerie McCray’s U.S. Senate campaign. McCray, the Democratic nominee who will face Congressman Jim Banks in the fall, recently asked Stambaugh to work for her in a full-time, paid campaign director role.

The decision to resign was difficult but necessary. Stambaugh said she feels she would not be able to fulfill her duties while balancing her business, role with the Greenwood City Plan Commission and her family.

“This was not a decision I made lightly — in fact, vacating my candidacy was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever made. However, my other commitments have become too great for me to be able to fulfill the requirements of my position and candidacy, and I feel it is best for me to make room for someone with the time to devote to both roles,” she said in a statement.

Though the decision is sad for the party, it will be good for Indiana, Stevenson-Holmes said.

“We are very excited for her promotion in this role because there’s nothing more important than securing Dr. McCray’s win in November — and Charrie will be absolutely instrumental in making that happen for our state and our nation,” Stevenson-Holmes said. “That said, Charrie’s amazing creativity, work ethic and drive will be missed by the county party. But we know she’s channeling that energy at higher levels now.”

Stevenson-Holmes is now working to fill this ballot vacancy and others by the July 3 slating deadline. She encourages anyone who is interested in filling the ballot vacancy for this or any other county office to reach out through the interest form at