Video and photo gallery: Pop stars Lovato, Jonas draw screams at Edinburgh outlet mall

EDINBURGH — Pop music megastars Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato were greeted with an ear-deafening roar of appreciation from fans as they made a quick stop in Edinburgh.

The two singers, on their way to Indianapolis for a performance of their Future Now tour, were introduced to a crowd of about 300 fans, many of them teenage girls, near the Edinburgh Premium Outlet Mall entrance Wednesday afternoon.

Each of the fans was vying for the chance to win the ultimate dream — a meet-and-greet with Jonas and Lovato, and two free tickets to their show at Bankers Life Fieldhouse later in the day.

Simon Premium Outlets, owner of the Edinburgh mall, sponsors the Future Now tour, so the company has selected several different mall locations around the country to host meet-and-greets with Jonas and Lovato, said Nathan Elrod, mall spokesman.

The crowd had two chances to participate in a text-to-win campaign and win the one-on-one time with two of the biggest stars in Hollywood today by being the 100th person to text the words “Nick” or “Demi” to the mall’s texting line.

Starr Watkins, a 17-year-old from Louisville, Kentucky, was one of the lucky meet-and-greet winners, getting the chance to come face-to-face with the two singers was a lifelong dream that came true.

“I’ve loved them since I was 8 years old,” Watkins said.

Watkins left Louisville at 5 a.m. Wednesday morning and camped out in the mall parking lot from about 7 a.m. until Lovato and Jonas arrived around 1:30 p.m.

Her love for Jonas started back in 2006 when he and his brothers, Kevin and Joe, were kick-starting their singing careers as The Jonas Brothers. A couple of years later, Lovato shot to stardom when she co-starred with the Jonas Brothers in the Disney Channel movie “Camp Rock,” and Watkins said she has loved her ever since.

Brooklyn Hudson and Addi Sanders, two friends who came to the mall together and won the chance to meet the singers, said their love for the stars also began back when they were both singing and dancing in “Camp Rock.”

Hudson said she was shaking as she got the chance to pose for pictures with two of her favorite artists, while Sanders said her stroke of extra good luck left her in shock.

Although only a handful of people got some one-on-one time with the singers, they did take a few minutes to answer some questions from the crowd.

One fan wanted to know what Jonas and Lovato would be doing if they weren’t international pop stars. Lovato said she would want to take up jiu-jitsu, while Jonas said he was interested in becoming a restauranteur, something he and his famous brothers are already looking into.

But as the hundreds of teens crowded under the tent in the mall parking lot screamed their names and begged for selfies with their favorite singers, the two pop stars assured the audience that their favorite thing to do is put on shows for their fans.

“We love being here with you guys,” Lovato told the crowd.

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Nick Jonas, 23, began his singing career as a solo artist performing in Broadway shows. In 2005, he and his older brothers, Kevin and Joe, formed the pop trio The Jonas Brothers. As a band, the brothers gained fame as both singers and actors, starring in the Disney Channel original Series “Jonas” and the Disney Channel original movie “Camp Rock,” which also featured Demi Lovato. Nick Jonas began his return to solo work in 2010, and The Jonas Brothers officially split in 2013. Nick Jonas’ most recent album, “Last Year was Complicated,” was released on June 10.

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After starring on Barney and Friends as a child, Demi Lovato, 23, rose to fame when she starred alongside The Jonas Brothers in the Disney Channel original movie “Camp Rock” in 2008. Following “Camp Rock,” Lovato was selected to star in her own Disney Channel original series, “Sonny with a Chance,” from 2009 to 2011. After a brief stay in a treatment facility to receive treatment for various issues, including self-harm and drug and alcohol abuse, Lovato returned to music and TV in 2011. Her most recent album, “Confident,” was released on Oct. 16, 2015.
