Q&A: New robots at Greenwood

<strong>What is the donation?</strong>

Two Baxter Robots.

<strong>How did you get the donation?</strong>

Mark Jackson — General Manager at Genco (A FedEx Company) in Greenwood — contacted our schools to see if we could use the robots.

<strong>What can this robot do?</strong>

Baxter can do any task that the trainer teaches him to do. He has two arms that can pick up objects and move them to different locations.

<strong>How much is the donation worth?</strong>

Each robot has a base price of $25,000.

<strong>How does this help the students?</strong>

Baxter will help our students understand how robots are used in industry. They will get hands on training with a very cool robot that we would not have had without the generous donation from Mr. Jackson.

<strong>Can students still build their robot?</strong>

Our teams build and program a new robot every year to meet the rules of FIRST Robotics.

<strong>How are students training with the robot?</strong>

We are giving our students time in our robotics practice sessions to work with Baxter. I am also teaching my middle school students how to work with Baxter when we have free time in my Industrial Technology class. The other robot will be available for teachers and students to use at the high school.

<strong>How many students are involved in the robotics club?</strong>

We currently have 33 students from middle school and high school on our two teams.

<strong>How will the robot be used?</strong>

The Baxter Robot will be used as a training tool. It is not something that we use in our robotics competitions.