Man accused of molesting grade-schooler

A Greenwood man has been arrested on four charges of child molestation in connection with repeated incidents involving a young girl since August.

Ryan David Payne, 18, 1240 Bomar Lane, was arrested after an interview with police during which he told Detective Doug Wood the details of the sex acts with the elementary-aged child, where they had occurred and how many times, according to a Greenwood police report.

He was taken to the Johnson County jail, where he remained on $64,000 bond on Thursday afternoon.

The incidents began in August and continued until the child told her parents on Monday evening, the report said. Police were called, and the girl was taken to the Center of Hope at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health for a sexual assault examination. The most recent incident happened on Monday, Payne and the victim told police.

Police interviewed the child at the Johnson County Child Advocacy Center, and she was emotionally upset, spoke in whispers, said she was scared, said that she didn’t want Payne to be mad at her and hesitated to make eye contact, police said.

She told police what happened, but asked the detective not to look at her, prompting police to note the extreme upset of the victim in the detectives’ report.

The acts took place in Payne’s home when he was caring for the child, the report said. The first incident happened in August.

The Johnson County prosecutor will decide what, if any, charges to file.