Election candidate list

Constitutional Amendment

Public question 1: Shall the Constitution of the State of Indiana be amended by adding a Section 39 to Article 1 to provide that the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife shall be forever preserved for the public good, subject only to the laws prescribed by the General Assembly and rules prescribed by virtue of the authority of the General Assembly to: (1) promote wildlife conservation and management; and (2) preserve the future of hunting and fishing?

Federal and State offices

<strong>President and Vice President of the United States</strong>

Donald J. Trump and Michael R. Pence, Republican

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, Democrat

Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, Libertarian

<strong>United States Senator</strong>

Todd Young, Republican

Evan Bayh, Democrat

Lucy Brenton, Libertarian

<strong>Governor and Lieutenant Governor</strong>

Eric Holcomb and Suzanne Crouch, Republican

John R. Gregg and Christina Hale, Democrat

Rex Bell and Karl “K-Tat” Tatgenhorst, Libertarian

<strong>Attorney General</strong>

Curtis T. Hill, Jr., Republican

Lorenzo Arredondo, Democrat

<strong>Superintendent of Public Instruction</strong>

Jennifer McCormick, Republican

Glenda Ritz, Democrat

United States Representative 9th Congressional District

Trey Hollingsworth, Republican

Shelli Yoder, Democrat

Russell Brooksbank, Libertarian

Legislative Offices

State Senator District 36

Jack E. Sandlin, Republican

Sean Gorman, Democrat

State Senator District 37

Rodric D. Bray, Republican

State Representative District 47

John T. Young, Republican

Michael L. “Mike” Reddick, Democrat

State Representative District 58

Woody Burton, Republican

Edward Dean O’Connor, Democrat

State Representative District 65

Chris D. May, Republican

Chris Woods, Democrat

State Representative District 93

David N. Frizzell, Republican

Gregory A. “Greg” Rathnow, Democrat

County offices

<strong>County Treasurer</strong>

Michele Ann Graves, Republican

Jessica Hoyt, Libertarian

<strong>County Coroner</strong>

Craig Lutz, Republican

<strong>County Surveyor</strong>

J. Gregory Cantwell, Republican

County Commissioner District 1

Brian P. Baird, Republican

County Commissioner District 3

Ronald “Ron” H. West, Republican

<strong>County Council Member At-Large</strong>

Josh McCarty, Republican

John E. Myers, Republican

Joshua R. “Josh” Turner, Republican

Rodney C. Benker, Libertarian

Damian C. Stanziano, Libertarian

Brian Thueme, Libertarian

Nonpartisan School Offices

<strong>Center Grove School Board At-Large</strong>

Rob Daniels

David W. DeGraaf

Pingnan Shi

Carol S. Tumey

Nathan T. Williamson

<strong>Clark-Pleasant School Board At-Large</strong>

Brian Bair

Vernon S. “Butch” Zike, Jr.

<strong>Clark-Pleasant School Board Pleasant Township</strong>

E. Curtis Harris

<strong>Edinburgh School Board Town of Edinburgh</strong>

Cathy J. Hamm

William “Bill” Jones

Curtis Rooks

Alice Nancy Taulman

<strong>Nineveh-Hensley-Jackson School Board At-Large</strong>

Ed Harvey

Greg Waltz

Amanda Wilkerson

<strong>Nineveh-Hensley-Jackson School Board Nineveh Township</strong>

Thomas Burgett

Indiana Court of Appeals

<strong>Court of Appeals Judicial Retention First District</strong>

Shall Judge Edward W. Najam Jr. be retained in office?



<strong>Court of Appeals Judicial Retention Fourth District</strong>

Shall Judge Patricia A. Riley be retained in office?

