Woman arrested on neglect charge

A Greenwood woman was arrested after police found cockroaches in the room where she and her son were staying.

Dorine A. Flowers, 57, 64 Pinecrest Drive, was arrested on a charge of neglect and intimidation.

Police were called to the home after a family dispute after 6 p.m. Sunday. Flowers’ teenage son told police he didn’t want to go back home after his mother threatened him with a screwdriver and a pair of scissors, that their home had cockroaches and they hung food from the ceiling to keep the bugs out and that there was no bed for him, according to the Greenwood Police Department report.

Flowers was sleeping when police arrived at the home, and she told them she was tired of dealing with her son after an argument they had on Friday, when she said her son hit her in the leg, the report said.

Police called the Indiana Department of Child Services. Flowers told the caseworker she did not want her son anymore and planned to call the state office when he went to school and then she would move out of the state, the report said.

Flowers also told police she didn’t have a vehicle and didn’t have the means to care for her son.

The teenage boy was put into a foster home, and Flowers was arrested.

She was taken to the Johnson County jail, where she was held on $2,200 bond.