Teen charged with molestation

A Greenwood teen was charged with child molesting after three children told police he touched them inappropriately or had them touch him.

Austin M. Smith, 18, was charged with three counts of child molesting — one for each victim, ages 5, 6 and 8, according to charging documents.

The children told police the incidents happened during the past six months. The children had told a relative, who contacted police.

Smith told police he had urges and sometimes did not control them. He had been to the Greenwood Police Department four years earlier regarding previous molestation allegations, but no criminal charges were filed. He had worked with the county’s adult and child program, the report said.

The children told police that Smith had touched them, or had told them to touch Smith. Some of the children reported the incident had happened once, and one child said Smith had touched him multiple times, the report said.

Smith told police he has memory problems and would black out and didn’t remember some of the incidents the children reported. But he also said the children were likely telling the truth, the report said.

He also said he has trouble controlling his urges and needed help, the report said.

Smith, 1455 Kent Court, was arrested and taken to the Johnson County jail, where he was held on $19,800 bond.

He faces two to 12 years in prison on each felony child molestation charge, under Indiana sentencing guidelines.