Woman arrested after threatening officer

A woman who had been trespassed from a Greenwood gas station was arrested after she shoved and threatened to kill a police officer who was trying to remove her.

Christina R. Stevens, 46, of 245 Peachtree Lane in Greenwood, was arrested on charges of criminal trespass, battery on a public safety official, intimidation and resisting a police officer during the incident Thursday afternoon at the business on U.S. 31. Police were called because Stevens had been trespassed from the gas station previously and was sitting outside, a Greenwood police report said.

When an officer started to arrest her on a charge of criminal trespass, she threatened to kill an officer, challenged him to use a taser on her and shoved the officer in the chest, according to the report.

The officer did use his taser on Stevens, but it did not work due to the sweater she was wearing. She pulled the wires out of the probe and asked the officer "what are you going to do now?," the report said. She tried to walk away again, and when the officer stopped her, she shoved him.

A second police officer arrived to help place Stevens under arrest. The incident was captured on the officer’s body camera, the report said.