Hearts & Darts – February 27

<p>A big thanks to Sertoma Club of Greenwood who sponsored the pantry for two days, Feb 14-15. In addition, we thank the Friend of the Pantry sponsors including Flinn &amp; Maguire Funeral Home, Dunham Rubber &amp; Belting Corp, and a memorial for Dr. Ron Hauswald. These sponsorships allow the pantry to alleviate hunger in the new year. Thank you.</p>
<p>Carol Phipps,</p>
<p>pantry manager,</p>
<p>Interchurch Food Pantry of Johnson County</p>
<p>Hearts and thank you to all the downtown businesses participating in the Love Local campaign.</p>
<p>Carolyn Williams</p>
<p>Discover Downtown Franklin</p>