Major roads to be repaved during summer

Get ready, motorists. Two major north-south routes through the county are going to be paved this summer.

Portions of State Road 135 and U.S. 31 in Greenwood will be resurfaced beginning this spring as part of a $6.1 million, 10-mile project, according to the Indiana Department of Transportation. Nearly 100,000 cars use the roads each day.

Here’s what you need to know: the work will start the week of April 17 and some of the work on State Road 135 only will happen at night.

Don’t worry — both roads won’t be paved at the exact same time, leaving you the option of avoiding the road under construction and taking the other route instead.

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Last summer, when Interstate 65 between Franklin and Greenwood was under construction, the state decided to pave U.S. 31 from Stop 18 Road in Greenwood to Westview Drive in Franklin and pave State Road 37.

Drivers balked, and INDOT delayed the State Road 37 project until U.S. 31 was complete.

This summer, the resurfacing is planned on State Road 135 from County Line Road to Curry Road and from Stones Crossing to Bargersville. On U.S. 31, work is planned from County Line Road to Stop 18 Road.

Patching work will begin on U.S. 31 and will move to the north section of State Road 135 followed by the south section of State Road 135. Paving work will start when all of those sections are complete, INDOT spokesperson Harry Maginity said.

Lane closures will be announced several days in advance, he said.

Workers will first fill in cracks and potholes with either asphalt or cement. The road will then be milled down until it is even and a new surface of asphalt will be added.

Contractors have said the patching should be complete mid-summer, and the resurfacing will be done afterward, Maginity said.

None of the roads will be completely closed during the repairs. Work at the northern section of State Road 135 will only take place at night. Work on the southern half of State Road 135 will be done during the day, but flaggers will direct cars through when a lane is closed.

Some patching on U.S. 31 will be done during the day, but the paving will only occur overnight.

Because traffic will be allowed through the work zones at all times, no detours are planned, Maginity said.

ADA compliant sidewalk curb ramps will be installed at 12 intersections on U.S. 31 and the north section of State Road 135. That work will be done prior to paving the roads, Maginity said.

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About 10 miles of state-owned roads are set to be resurfaced this year in Johnson County. Here’s where the repairs are planned:
<li>U.S. 31 between County Line Road and Stop 18 Road</li>
<li>State Road 135 between Curry Road and County Line Road</li>
<li>State Road 135 between County Road 144 and Stones Crossing Road</li>