Making Repairs: Franklin plans to repave, rebuild streets throughout city

Downtown Franklin isn’t the only construction zone you will run into in the city this summer.

About $1.6 million of work also is planned to repave and rebuild streets across the city, mainly in subdivisions.

Streets in Knollwood Farms, Arbor Springs, Franklin Lakes, Hillview and Windstar are all set to be repaved, along with several other streets near downtown. The city also is looking to reconstruct sections of Arvin Drive, Essex Drive and Hurricane Road.

Work began last week, and is set to be complete by Oct. 15, according to a city news release.

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Those repairs will go on while crews also continue construction along Jefferson Street, which is a separate project the city has been planning for years.

Franklin has budgeted about $1 million for repairs to local roads and is hoping to get more money for added projects through a state grant, Franklin City Engineer Mark Richards said.

"Hopefully we can leverage that $1 million to get another $1 million," Richards said.

City officials each year plan out which roads will get repairs based on a study of the road system, ranking roads on a scale of one to 10. The average rating in Franklin, which was done last spring, is 5.5. Most of the roads targeted for repairs are either a three or a four on the scale, except in a few circumstances where a road segment in slightly better condition is repaired because it’s next to others that are in poor condition, he said.

The city also is seeking another $1 million through matching Community Crossings grants, which are state grants funded with money the state sets aside for local road projects. Last year, Franklin got about $1 million, which was used during the annual paving program.

With more applications this year than in 2016, competition for the state grant funds will be tighter, Richards said. The state is set to award grants in August, he said.

The city is hoping to reconstruct Arvin Drive, between Graham Road and Commerce Drive, as well as Essex Drive, and Hurricane Road between Arvin Road and Glendale Drive, all of which have ranked among the roads most in need of repair in Franklin.

How much of the road reconstruction the city can do will depend on how much the work will cost and whether the city gets state grant, which would be used to put $660,000 toward those road repair efforts, Richards said.

The remainder of the grant the city is seeking — or about $340,000 — would go toward the construction of a roundabout at Arvin Drive and Hurricane Road, he said.

If the city doesn’t get the grant funding, the road reconstruction would be put off for another year, Richards said. Construction of the roundabout also could be funded by the Franklin Redevelopment Commission, along with $100,000 from the state as part of its five-year infrastructure plan, he said.

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Franklin will be resurfacing 4.2 miles of roads across the city this summer. Here’s where the work will be taking place:

Knollwood Farms subdivision

Beechwood Court: Fair Oaks Drive to dead end

Fair Oaks Drive: Sycamore Court to Fair Oaks Court

Fair Oaks Court: Cottonwood Drive to dead end

Israel Lane: U.S. 31 to Travis Lane

Magnolia Drive: Sycamore Court to Fair Oaks Drive

Sycamore Court: Magnolia Drive to dead end

Travis Lane: Israel Lane to dead end

William Avenue: Israel Lane to dead end

Arbor Springs subdivision

Sunflower Court: Story Drive to dead end

Story Drive: Hospital Road to Creekwood Lane

Creekwood Lane: Dead end to North Woodfield Drive

North Woodfield Drive: Hospital Road to Creekwood Lane

Windstar subdivision

Capricorn Drive: South dead end to Windstar Boulevard

Orion Drive: North Shore Boulevard to dead end

Franklin Lakes subdivision

Driftwood Court: Franklin Lakes Boulevard to dead end

Franklin Lakes Boulevard: North Shore Court to Shoreline Lane

Lake Shore Drive: Franklin Lakes Boulevard to Pin Oak Lane

North Shore Boulevard in the Franklin Lakes subdivision: Shore View Drive to Pin Oak Lane

Pin Oak Lane: Lake Shore Drive to North Shore Boulevard

Pin Oak Court: North Shore Boulevard to dead end

Hillview subdivision

Paris Drive: Jennifer Court to Connie Court

Paris Drive: Connie Court to Red Oak Drive

Hougham Street: Jefferson Street to King Street

Lochry Road: Schoolhouse Road to Lochry Court

Adams Street: North Main Street to Johnson Avenue

Home Avenue: King Street to Adams Street

Graham Street: Herriott Street to Highland Avenue
