Greenwood call center to employ 250 by 2018

When you make a call to a company for customer assistance, the person helping you might be working from Greenwood.

TSD Global, an Indianapolis-based company that provides customer service assistance for multiple companies, opened a call center in Greenwood earlier this year, and is in the process of hiring 250 new employees by the start of 2018, according to a news release said.

The call center, which is leasing 14,000 square feet of space in an office building at 125 Airport Parkway, will employ up to 300 people by the end of the year, and will have the option to expand by another 5,000 square feet, company spokesperson Adam Bennett said. The positions will be both full-time and part-time, he said.

TSD provides customer service assistance to national companies, including some of the largest telecommunications and financial companies in the U.S., he said.

"The need for customer service positions across the nation is in high demand," Bennett said.

The company chose to open a call center in Greenwood because of the site’s proximity to its Indianapolis headquarters, and because Johnson County and the southside have a strong workforce to recruit from, Bennett said.

"We’ve been successful hiring in the Johnson County area," he said.

The facility opened in June, but is in the middle of a push to hire the 150 final employees by the end of the year, Bennett said.

The company wants to focus its U.S. growth within Indiana, he said. TSD’s corporate headquarters are in Indianapolis, and the company has call centers in Anderson, Evansville and Greenwood, as well as two call centers in the Philippines. The company has 400 employees in Indiana and 1,000 globally.

Another call center is planned in 2018, but the company hasn’t decided where to locate it in Indiana, Bennett said.

The company did not ask for or receive any incentives from the city, city attorney Krista Taggart said.