Take note – January 15

<strong>Host families sought for exchange students</strong>

Host families are needed to open their homes to students from other countries who will be studying in the United States.

The PAX Program of Academic Exchange is accepting host family applications for second semester students who arrive in January as well as families who want to host for the 2018-19 academic year.

An application asks for information about the family’s interests, reasons why they want to host, pictures of their home to share with their future student and a family picture. A criminal background check is conducted on all adult family members, and references are consulted before a coordinator meets with the family.

To host, a family must provide a non-convertible bed and three meals each day. Students do not need to have their own bedrooms, but room sharing must be with siblings of the same sex and a similar age group.

Applications can be found at pax.org.

<strong>Legislator seeks students to be pages</strong>

State Rep. Woody Burton, R-Whiteland, is encouraging local students to apply for the Statehouse Page Program.

The program gives students ages 13 to 18 the opportunity to interact with lawmakers and see how the government works. Students will get a tour of the Statehouse, including the governor’s office and House, Senate and Supreme Court chambers. Pages also will get a peek at committee meetings and floor sessions. Pages will help Burton with his daily activities. Students interested in serving as a House page should call 1-800-382-9841.

Pages will have an excused absence from school and are responsible for finding their own transportation to and from the Statehouse.