Business briefs – March 10

<strong>Language service provider relocating</strong>

Greenwood-based language services provider Midwest Language Services, LLC is relocating its headquarters to The Switchboard at 735 Shelby St. in Indianapolis.

The company previously was based at 3209 W. Smith Valley Road, Indianapolis.

Midwest Language Services provides English language training to foreign business executives on short-term assignments, expats, refugees and their families who have relocated to Indiana. Midwest Language Services, LLC also provides translation services and will soon provide interpretation services.

<strong>Indianapolis wealth adviser recognized</strong>

<a href=""><img class="size-thumbnail wp-image-700776" src="×150.jpg" alt="Graig Huber" width="150" height="150" /></a> Graig A. Huber

Graig A. Huber, a private wealth adviser with Kaiser, Huber and Associates, has qualified for the company’s Circle of Success annual recognition program and will be honored for this achievement at the 2018 National Conference in San Francisco.

While at the conference, advisors share best practices with peers and focus on how they can continue to serve clients’ needs with the most current and effective strategies, products and solutions.

To earn this achievement, Huber established himself as one of the company’s top advisers.

<strong>Trafalgar laundromat hosting grand opening</strong>

A laundromat is opening in Trafalgar next week.

Latherin’ Louie will have a grand opening Tuesday at their location connected to Phillips 66/Joe’s Junction, 214 State Road 135.

The laundromat will be open the same time as the gas station, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week.