Poet at Franklin College

Poetry lovers can hear readings from an award-winning poet at Franklin College.

The Franklin College English department will host poet David Tomas Martinez as part of its 2017-18 Creative-Writing Reading Series at 7 p.m. April 5 in the Richardson Chapel.

Martinez will present readings, conduct a question-and-answer session and sign books during the free event.

Martinez’s debut collection of poetry, "Hustle", was released in 2014 by Sarabande Books, winning the New England Book Festival’s prize in poetry, the Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award and honorable mention in the Antonio Cisneros Del Moral Prize. He is a Pushcart Prize winner, 2015 winner of the Verlaine Poetry Prize, CantoMundo fellow, recipient of the Stanley P. Young Fellowship from Broadleaf and a 2017 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellow. Martinez lives in Brooklyn, New York and teaches creative writing at Columbia University.