Educators learning how to ‘stop the bleed’

Educators in Franklin schools will be participating in a program meant to make kids safer.

Teachers will be taking "Stop the Bleed" classes hosted by Franciscan Health in April and May. The classes cover how to stop life-threatening bleeding through wound-packing and tourniquet use. A $5,000 grant from the Franciscan Health Auxiliary is funding the class.

The idea is to teach those who take the class to be able to respond to life threatening emergencies while waiting on medics and first responders to arrive, according to a news release from the hospital.

Franklin schools employees are always looking for ways to make safety a priority, said Amanda Martin, coordinator for the program at Franklin Community Schools.

"We want to empower our staff with the knowledge so they feel confident in themselves if a situation should arise they have the skill set to help save lives," she said.

Employees at Caterpillar in Franklin also are taking the class.