Letter: Columnist wrong on stances in gun control

To the editor:

In reply to John Krull’s opinion “Protestors overwhelming NRA,” (April 4), I would like to know where he got the information “LaPierre said anyone who doesn’t want mentally ill people to have access to firearms – particularly military weapons – hates America and freedom.”

I spoke with the NRA about his comments, and they, too, wanted to know where he got this information.

First, on the NRA’s website are some of LaPierre’s views on gun control and he has stated his support for the following (not room to cite them all):

• “Increasing funds for a stricter and more efficient mental health system, and reform of civil commitment laws to facilitate institutionalization of the mentally ill when necessary.

• Creating a computerized universal mental health registry of those adjudicated to be incompetent, to help limit gun sales to the mentally ill.”

Second, I would suggest Mr. Krull obtain a copy of Joyce Lee Malcolm’s book “To Keep and Bear Arms.” She is a leading scholar of the Second Amendment. Supreme Court Justice Scalia cited Malcolm three times in his written decision in 2008 on “Heller,” probably the most important gun-rights case in U.S. history recognizing an individual right to possess a firearm.

Shirley Toney
