Letter: Trump has potential but needs verbal self control

To the editor:

I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 primarily because I could not in good conscience abide another four years of progressive, liberal Democratic mis-governance! While I still feel that Trump’s basic domestic and foreign policy positions and initiatives are largely in America’s best interests, I am increasingly conflicted in attempting to defend my vote in the face of this president’s personal character that seems too often to be beneath the dignity of his office.

It is clear that the influential liberal media is almost pathologically incapable of accepting the reality that an individual as deeply flawed as Trump could possibly have won the election. Consequently, their unabated criticism seems to know no balance or fairness. Trump, however, might be better off to accept that reality and respond to misguided liberal criticism in an objective and statesmanlike manner more appropriate to his elected position.

Unfortunately, he chooses to defend his policy decisions and presidential authority with continuing barrages of largely sophomoric tweets that simply reinforce the media conviction that he is unworthy of the office of President.

This nation has endured—and benefited from—several presidents of questionable personal character who nevertheless have managed to provide the necessary positive leadership needed in their time. Trump may have the potential to someday progress in that direction, but it clearly would be helpful if he might embrace more verbal self control along that path.

David A. Nealy
