Letter: County needs Roesener as next circuit court judge

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>Andy Roesener is our choice for judge of the Johnson County Circuit Court. Andy’s legal experience as deputy prosecuting attorney, his time working for Indiana Legislative Services Agency, his private law practice and his current service as magistrate judge of the Johnson County Juvenile and Family Court gives him the knowledge and qualifications to be an exceptional Circuit Court judge.</p>
<p>As judge of the child and family court, Andy is required to make decisions that could be life-altering for families. He is patient, listens intently when hearing a case and is thoughtful and consistent in his decisions. Andy dedicates the time necessary to ensure the outcome is appropriate, even if that means staying past his normal work day.</p>
<p>Outside of the courtroom, Andy is a devoted family man with strong ties to Johnson County. He and his wife chose Johnson County to start their family.</p>
<p>Andy is the person Johnson County needs as Circuit Court judge – humble, honest, patient and committed – that is why our vote will be for Andy Roesener.</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Marty and Rowana Umbarger</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Bargersville</strong></p>