Letter: Hollingsworth’s self-characterization doesn’t resemble reality

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>A recent article in the Daily Journal ("Hollingsworth, political newcomer aim to be 9th District’s candidate," April 19) contained self characterizations from Trey Hollingsworth, the Indiana 9th District congressman.</p>
<p>Hollingsworth stated that he spent his Congressional term doing the work that his constituents told him needed to be done. However, there is no public record of anyone telling him anything because he has never held an open public meeting.</p>
<p>Also, he stated “All of those things I believed and campaigned on, all of those promises kept, we have to do even more of them.” In fact Mr. Hollingsworth campaigned as an advocate of fiscal responsibility but voted for a tax bill that is projected to explode the deficit by $1.3 trillion based on projections from the Congressional Budget Office.</p>
<p>Hollingsworth pointed to the tax bill passed in late 2017 as an example of legislation that he supported that would impact “working Americans.” He failed to mention that the “pass through income” provision of the bill will give him a tax benefit in excess of $4,500,000 per year based on analysis by the “Center for American Progress Action Fund.”</p>
<p>Hollingsworth’s self portrait does not even vaguely resemble reality. His constituents have been betrayed by Trey.</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Dennis Davoren</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Bloomington</strong></p>