Grab summer’s chance to eat healthy without breaking the bank

I love the summer months for so many reasons. The longer days of sunlight provide the opportunity to play outside until the fireflies come out. The warmer weather means more walks, bike rides and trail hikes.

The summer also provides a unique opportunity to focus on my health. Fruits and veggies drop in price and sound more appetizing. The temperature outside makes grilling lean meats and vegetables easier to do. It’s a misnomer that it’s more expensive to eat healthy than it is to buy low-priced junk foods.

You actually save money by eating healthier foods. Plus, the drop in their price during the summer months allows you to maximize your nutritional benefits while minimizing your spending. These tips help all shoppers make better choices about both the foods they eat and the money they spend.

Shop the perimeter

Imagine in your mind’s eye your favorite grocery store. Think about where the different items are located. The next time you shop, do your best to buy items located only around the perimeter of the store.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy typically ring the store. The aisles in between are filled with tempting pitfalls — sugary snacks, sodas, chips and junk foods. While it might seem like a $0.99 bag of chips is more economical than an apple or two for the same price, the chips are empty calories. Not only will you crave a sweet dessert or beverage to follow the salty snack, you’ll find you’re still hungry even after two to three servings. The apple keeps your body fuller for longer, making it a better investment.

Spend as little time as possible going down those middle aisles on your next shopping trip.

Begin day with oats

One of the few exceptions to the principle of skipping the middle aisles? Oats. The breakfast that your grandma ate is one of the most affordable and healthiest foods for you, too.

Just be sure you opt for the large container of the plain variety of quick oats over the flavored, smaller packages. Those are filled with sugar and extra additives you don’t need. Add your own favorite flavors like cinnamon, fresh fruit, honey, nuts or even peanut butter. Even with toppings this breakfast comes in at less than a $0.25 per serving and gives your body the fuel it needs to operate all day long.

Skip pre-packagING

They seem so easy and tempting. 100-calorie snack packs, low fat, sugar free, low sodium — each of the labels call out to us, suggesting if we purchase them we’ll instantly lose those last pesky 10 pounds.

Labels can be confusing and while all of these items may not be bad for your budget or your waistline, many reinforce the same unhealthy patterns we’ve put in place with their junk food accomplices. Think twice before you pick up these foods. You’re better off focusing on whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats and rice.

While not marketed as diet foods, you also need to avoid pre-cut fruits and vegetables whenever possible, too. Slicing things up yourself saves a bundle and really doesn’t require much more time or expertise on your part.

Shop in season

Last but not least, to eat well without overspending, watch the weekly sales ads. These ads don’t just bring to you the rotation of deals at your favorite big box retailers. If you pay close attention, you can also discover which fruits and vegetables are currently in season and thus priced lower.

Choose your favorite produce that’s in season over what just sounds good when shopping. Stock up and freeze items when prices are low. Then thaw them when the prices rise again.

You can of course during the summer months more easily grow your favorite nutritional foods, too. However, pay close attention to how much money and time you’re spending by growing a garden. Measure those factors up against what the same produce costs you in the store to make sure your efforts are worthwhile.

Eating well and spending less are not mutually exclusive. Leverage the summer months to get into the routine of trimming the fat in your diet and your budget. Your bank account and pants will both thank you.