Hearts & Darts – October 1

<p><strong>Hearts</strong></p><p>Special shout of thanks to Coach Moore and Center Grove Football players for helping pick up trash after home football games. Your help is very much appreciated.</p><p><p><strong>Bob Paris and the Center Grove High School custodial staff</strong></p><p>A note of hearts and thanks for all involved with our 2018 Garden Symposium on Native Plants and Birds. Big thanks to our speakers for the morning, Bill McKnight, the Mad Botanist, and Sharon Sorenson, the Bird Lady. Thanks as well to our Gold Sponsors: Bradley Chevrolet, Purdue Extension — Johnson County and Johnson County Garden Club; Silver Sponsors: Wild Birds Unlimited of Greenwood and Morgan County Master Gardeners; and Contributing Sponsor: Cultivating Garden Club. We always invite you to come grow with us.</p><p><p><strong>Gary L. Kiesel</strong></p><p><p><strong> Johnson County Garden Club President</strong></p><p><p><strong>Dart</strong></p><p>Darts to whoever did the gas line work in the 200 block of Hollybrook Drive a couple of months ago. Three sections of sidewalk are now missing. When you removed the sidewalk, you put up caution tape which is long gone. It is extremely dark in the mornings when the neighborhood children are going out to walk to their bus stops and you have created a safety hazard for them to try to avoid. Our public works superintendent has contacted you multiple times but we have had no response and the hazard remains.</p><p><p><strong>Maribeth Alspach</strong></p><p><p><strong>New Whiteland</strong></p>