County resident longest 4-H volunteer in the state

The work of the longest running 4-H volunteer in the state is all over the Johnson County Fair.

Max Fitzpatrick was a member of the Johnson County Fair Board in 1966 when he signed the contract that allowed Poor Jack amusements to offer rides and games at the Johnson County Fair. That contract still exists.

And he has led dozens of students through their last year of 4-H as a leader of the 4-H Honor Group. Fitzpatrick Hall on the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Franklin was named for him after he and his wife, Lois donated the funds for the building that houses rabbits, poultry and crop projects during the fair.

Fitzpatrick was recently honored as a 65-year volunteer at the Indiana 4-H Leadership Summit. He was the longest running volunteer recognized.

He has spent years on the Johnson County Fair Board, which plans and implements the Johnson County Fair every year. He has also served as an officer on the Indiana Fairs Association.

He is also known for working alongside his 4-H Honor Group, doing manual labor such as plumbing and painting. He started the current 4-H Tractor Club in 1952 and was an organizer of the a grant that allows 4-H clubs and members to spend money in educational programs.

“We are lucky to have him,” Heather Dougherty, extension educator for 4-H Youth Development said.