Local school news

take note

Enrollment opens for summer academy

Students who may be interested in a law enforcement career can sign up for a summer academy.

The American Legion Department of Indiana has opened enrollment for the second annual Indiana Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy.

The Indiana Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Academy, a partnership between the Indiana Troopers Youth Services and The American Legion, Department of Indiana, provides firsthand experiences and insight into the operations of law enforcement agencies.

The 2019 Academy will be July 14-19 at Anderson University.

Go to www.indianalegion.org/lawcadet to enroll.

The 2019 Academy will be limited to the first 75 registered applicants. Registration is open to boys and girls currently in grades 9-12. The registration/sponsorship fee is $300 per student.

School, church opens community garden plots

Calvary Lutheran Church and School is opening their Community Garden to the residents of the south side of Indianapolis.

Applications for plots are now available in the church office at 6111 Shelby Street, Indianapolis.

In-ground plots are 10×10 feet for $20 per plot. Raised-bed plots are 4×10 feet for $20 per plot.