Video shows no foul play in workplace fatality

Greenwood police have turned over its investigation into a workplace fatality to a state agency after concluding no crime had taken place.

Police began investigating the death of Timothy “TJ” Rich Jr., 18, of Bargersville, last week after the death at the Aldi Warehouse on Stop 18 Road in Greenwood. He graduated from Whiteland Community High School last month and was an employee of S and H Transportation.

Police were called to the warehouse at 5:11 p.m. July 2 on the report of a man pinned between a semi trailer and loading dock, according to a report from the Greenwood Police Department.

A video surveillance recording and interviews with other workers showed that no foul play or criminal activity caused the death, Greenwood police Deputy Chief Doug Roller said.

“It appears to be an unfortunate accident,” Roller said.

All investigation notes have been turned over to the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is a state agency that investigates work-related deaths. Turning over the investigation to the agency is standard in workplace-related deaths once police have determined that the death was not caused by criminal actions, he said.

IOSHA expects to complete its investigation in one to two months, agency spokesperson Stephanie McFarland said.

IOSHA does not make determinations on who or what is liable for the accident, but IOSHA investigators are looking into whether state workplace safety measures were followed leading up to to the incident, McFarland said.

Rich was working at the warehouse and video showed that he was working on the dock alone when the accident took place, Johnson County Deputy Coroner David Lutz said.

Another employee was in the immediate area and rushed over to help, Lutz said.

An autopsy was conducted, which is standard practice. The cause of death was asphyxia by mechanical compression of the neck, Lutz said.

S and H did not comment on the accident, but Aldi released the following statement:

“We are deeply saddened by this tragic accident involving an employee of S and H Transportation. Our thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time. The safety of our employees, partners, customers and the community are our highest priority, and we’re working closely with the authorities as they investigate this incident.”