County Republican party is seeking town council replacement

The county’s Republican party is having a caucus later this month to fill an Edinburgh Town Council seat.

Bill Jones resigned his seat on the town council, and the resignation took effect July 1.

The caucus to replace him is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. July 25 at the John R. Drybread Community Center in Edinburgh.

Anyone who lives in Edinburgh and would like to be considered by the caucus should send a letter post marked by 6:30 p.m. July 22 to 845 Richart Lane, Greenwood, IN 46142.

The person elected as a result of the caucus will serve the remainder of the term, which ends December 2022.

Town council members set spending for the town, appoint a town manager and adopt resolutions and ordinances. The job pays $4,998 annually.

Precinct committeemen in Blue River, 1, 2, 4 and 5 are eligible to vote.