Indianapolis man charged in Greenwood rape

Prosecutors charged an Indianapolis man with rape after a woman told police he forced her to have sex with him in December at a Greenwood apartment.

Moses J. Collins Jr., 22, was booked into the Johnson County jail Tuesday on a rape charge, a Level 3 felony. He is also charged with sexual battery and criminal confinement, both Level 6 felonies.

The victim told police Collins raped her just after 2:30 p.m. Dec. 14 in a bedroom at a friend’s apartment, according to a probable cause affidavit filed Feb. 28 in Johnson Circuit Court.

The victim, Collins and two other people were hanging out the night before the alleged attack. The victim told police she went to bed between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m., and slept alone on an air mattress in a bedroom at the apartment. That afternoon, while she was still asleep in the bedroom, Collins entered the room, asked the victim if he could lay down with her and shut the door behind him, despite the victim telling him no, according to court documents.

The victim told police she became upset when Collins got into bed with her. He began touching her chest and tried to pull off her shorts. The victim fought back. He wrapped both his arms around her, and she couldn’t get out of his hold. She eventually gave up the fight, she told police.

At that point, Collins raped the victim, she said. The victim was taken to an Indianapolis emergency room where she was given a rape kit, which was sent to a state lab for testing, according to court documents.

Collins left the apartment before police arrived. State police found him walking near the Chucky Cheese on U.S. 31 on the southside of Indianapolis, court documents said.

Collins told police he had consensual sex with the victim the night before the alleged rape and wanted to have sex again, but she refused. He told police he did go into the bedroom where the victim was staying, wrapped himself around her, touched her chest and knocked her cellphone out of her hand because he wanted attention, according to court documents. The victim became red and upset and began crying, so he let her go, he told police.

Phone records show the victim tried to call a friend for help at 2:44 p.m. Dec. 14. A neighbor told police they heard a woman and a man screaming around that time, but couldn’t make out what they were saying, court documents said.

Collins, 4150 Continental Ct., is being held at the Johnson County jail on $18,400 bond.