Where They Stand: John Jacob

Why are you seeking election?

I’m very concerned about the decline of our culture, of our nation. I think our constitutional freedoms are being stripped away from us. I believe that all life should be preserved, that includes the pre-born, specifically. There is a bill that would end abortion in Indiana, and that is a bill that I would co-author and support.

What qualifications and experience make you a good fit for this position?

I actually worked for the Indiana State Board of Accounts, and it’s a government watchdog group. We audited every level of government in the state of Indiana, except for the federal government. Working with them, I was a sworn officer of the court, and I led many audits.

I also helped to lead our risk management group. I would say, in a nutshell, that I have a strong expertise in fiscal but also law. Being an auditor, I had to be.

What would be your top three priorities if elected?

No. 1 would be to co-author the Protection at Conception Bill … which would end abortion in Indiana. Secondly, it would be also to co-author the constitutional carry bill, and push for both of those bills. Three would probably be the issue of our freedoms and our liberties. I don’t think that would be a singular issue, and I think there can be multiple issues addressed as it relates to our freedoms and liberties that are being taken away from us.

What are some of the biggest issues facing Indiana today?

Again, I would say abortion.

The issue of our constitutional liberties being stripped from us.

How do you plan to push legislation that addresses your priorities?

I would probably do it the same way a lot of other legislators do it. No. 1 is to author a bill that would be viable, that would be within the boundaries of the Constitution. No. 2, it would be trying to garner support from other legislators, and a lot of that is done by discussion with other legislators.

How do you plan to help your district specifically, and communicate with constituents about what is going on at the Statehouse?

Specifically via mail and emails to communicate what’s going on, as far as the pulse of what’s going on at the Statehouse. Also, going door-to-door … That’s a big reason why I won the primary, because I communicated clearly what I was running on to the voters of District 93. One of the things voters specifically said to me over and over was, “I was very pleased that you were very clear about where you stood with issues, and there was no lack of clarity on where you stood.” That was something that was very refreshing to them.

What are your thoughts on Indiana’s COVID-19 response, and what role do you think the General Assembly should play next year when considering pandemic-related legislation?

Definitely the legislature is the one that should be passing legislation as it relates to COVID. That is something that would be up for discussion as far as what would be best for the citizens of Indiana. I would say specifically that it should be in line with the Constitution. I’m not dismissing COVID, I want to be clear. I don’t want people to think I think COVID is not a reality, that I don’t think there are people who are getting sick from COVID and dying. However, with that, there has to be a way to deal with that but yet not violate people’s constitutional rights. (The) executive branch doesn’t make law. The legislative branch is the one that makes law.

What is your position on public school funding? How should Indiana address the way it funds schools?

I would go back to the individual because this is talking about children. With children, parents should have the right to be able to direct the education of their children … Addressing the freedom that parents have to address the education of their children is first and foremost. Then from there, we can address the issue of where funding goes.

Do you think it is beneficial or detrimental to decision-making that both chambers in the General Assembly have supermajorities?

I would say this, the voters are the ones who vote people into office … We vote people into office that we believe are going to best represent our views. Whether I would agree or disagree, because I mean, the tides could turn because if it was a Democrat supermajority, obviously the Republicans wouldn’t like that and vice versa … I think it would violate our entire system to say, “OK we’re just going to keep everything even as far as who’s in.” We’d actually have to start removing people from office to balance out the Democrats and Republicans.

There’s always discussion, and the Democrats are able to discuss their views. And if their views are reasonable and legitimate, those are things the other side would definitely listen to. When it comes to issues, whether I agree or disagree with somebody, I want to be able to at least listen to them.

The Jacob File

Name: John Jacob

Party: Republican

Residence: Perry Township

Family: Wife, Angie; six adult children

Occupation: Small business owner

Education: Roncalli High School; IUPUI

Political experience: None

Memberships: LifePoint Church