Ex-corrections employee charged with misconduct

A former county corrections officer was arrested Wednesday following a two-month internal investigation.

Evan Allen Hill, 50, was arrested and charged with official misconduct, a Level 6 felony, and sexual misconduct, a Level 5 felony.

Hill, who was no longer a county employee at the time of his arrest, worked as a field officer, a special sheriff’s deputy assigned to work with Johnson County Community Corrections, Sheriff Duane Burgess said. Hill was an employee of the county for more than two years — from February 2018 to August 2020. Hill’s job was to check in on individuals who were serving sentences on house arrest or work release.

Hill was terminated shortly after the sheriff’s office started its investigation in August, Burgess said.

The charges against Hill are related to his duties as a field officer, and an alleged sexual relationship with an individual he was assigned to between March 7 and Aug. 8, according to a probable cause affidavit filed Wednesday in Johnson County Superior Court 2.

Hill’s supervisor reported the alleged misconduct to the sheriff’s office after a community corrections employee reported the misconduct to the supervisor about two weeks after Hill allegedly ordered that employee to fake the results of a positive drug test, according to court documents.

The drug test was for the woman Hill allegedly had a sexual relationship with. He had been monitoring her house arrest since January, court documents said.

Hill admitted to having sexual contact with the woman on four different occasions, beginning in March, at various locations in Johnson and Shelby counties, according to court documents.

The woman told police the number of encounters was much higher, claiming the two had sexual contact 15 times. The woman said Hill removed her ankle monitor so she could leave the county and have sex with him at his home in Fairland. Hill denied that, court documents said.

The woman told investigators she ended the relationship in July.

However, on Aug. 8, after the drug test Hill had asked an employee to fake, he called the woman and said, “that’s the last time I’m doing that,” and added he threw her urine in the dumpster, according to court documents. Hill allegedly ordered the test then fudged the results because the woman told him she took a Valium, court documents said.

Hill denied throwing the urine away and asking the employee to fake the results, court documents said.

Burgess said the investigation was initiated swiftly after it was reported by the community corrections employee.

“We conducted this investigation in a timely manner, working with the victim and her attorney,” Burgess said. “As the sheriff of Johnson County, I can assure that members of the sheriff’s office will conduct themselves professionally and ethically. If one of our employees chooses to take a different path and violate the law, there will be consequences for their actions. The citizens of Johnson County deserve the best and that is what we work diligently to provide.”

Though the relationship was consensual, it was against the law for Hill to have sexual contact with an individual he was supervising, according to a joint release from the sheriff’s office and Johnson County Prosecutor’s Office.

“That fact is neither an element of either crime nor a legal defense to it. A person cannot consent based on the very dynamic of the relationship between the two parties,” the news release says.

Johnson County Prosecutor Joe Villanueva said this behavior is unacceptable for a county law enforcement officer.

“As a law enforcement officer myself, we are held to a higher code of conduct. We look forward to presenting our evidence in court which will demonstrate why we believe Hill’s alleged conduct fell below what is expected,” Villanueva said. “I encourage the citizens of Johnson County not to let these singular allegations tarnish opinions about the rest of our law enforcement community who work diligently to serve and protect our community daily, and risk their own safety in doing so.”

Hill is being held at the Johnson County jail on $4,400 bond.