Man charged with rape of high school student

A Franklin man is accused of rape after a Johnson County high school student said he forced her to have sex with him in his car while they were on a date.

Travis E. Drake, 21, was arrested Thursday and charged with rape, a Level 3 felony, as well as confinement, sexual battery and strangulation, all Level 6 felonies. Drake faces up to 23 1/2 years in prison if convicted on all charges and ordered to serve consecutive sentences.

A high school student reported in May 2019 she was raped at Canary Creek Cinema in Franklin, according to a probable cause affidavit filed Oct. 16 in Johnson County Superior Court 3.

The victim told an Indiana Department of Child Services caseworker she communicated with Drake for about a week before the date on March 1, 2019, when they met at Joe’s Junction in Trafalgar. When she got in Drake’s truck, he immediately tried to kiss her and acted like they had known one another a long time, the victim said.

Drake drove her to the movie theater. During the movie, she said he forcibly kissed her and made her touch him inappropriately, according to court documents. When she told him she didn’t want to do that, he said he would take her home, court documents said.

When they got back in Drake’s truck, he locked the doors and drove to the side of the theater where he forcibly kissed her again. She said he grabbed her neck and made her kiss him, according to court documents. She felt pain and could not breathe, court documents said.

Drake then raped her, according to court documents.

After the rape, on the way back to the victim’s car in Trafalgar, Drake stopped near State Roads 135 and 144, grabbed her neck and assaulted her again, court documents said.

The victim said when they returned to her car in Trafalgar, Drake assaulted her again, then told her she was going to drive him around. They drove to the Trafalgar McDonalds, where the victim convinced Drake to end the night. They drove back to Joe’s Junction and went their separate ways, according to court documents.

The victim said none of what happened that night was consensual, court documents said.

Police said Drake refused to talk to them about the investigation.

Drake, 2649 S. 25W, is held at the Johnson County jail on $128,000 bond.