Greenwood council to consider higher fees for leaving pets in cars

People who leave their pets alone inside a car could be fined up to $2,500 under a change proposed in Greenwood.

The Greenwood City Council on Monday heard a proposed plan to expand the city’s flat fine of $1,000 for leaving a pet alone inside a car that’s parked within city limits to a more flexible fine that would range between $250 and $2,500.

The Greenwood City Court asked for the flexibility, depending on the severity of the offense, said Shawna Koons, city attorney.

Determining severity depends on the state the animal is found in. For example, someone could potentially face a lower fine if they left a pet inside a car on a cool day with water. But a person who leaves an animal in a car on a sweltering day with no air conditioning or water could be fined more, Koons said.

The city council will vote on the proposed change two times, at its next meeting Feb. 15, and again March 1.