FIFA won’t discipline Norway for pro-human rights T-shirts

<p>ZURICH &mdash; The Norwegian national team and soccer federation will not be disciplined for players wearing T-shirts in support of human rights before a World Cup qualifying game, FIFA said Thursday.</p>
<p>White shirts with the slogan “HUMAN RIGHTS” and “Respect on and off the pitch” were worn before Norway’s game at Gibraltar on Wednesday after a promise to draw attention to labor rights abuses in Qatar, the host of next year’s World Cup.</p>
<p>FIFA’s disciplinary code states players and federations can face disciplinary action in cases of “using a sports event for demonstrations of a non-sporting nature.”</p>
<p>However, FIFA said it will not open a case against Norway.</p>
<p>“FIFA believes in the freedom of speech, and in the power of football as a force for good,” the governing body said in a statement.</p>
<p>Qatar, which won the World Cup hosting vote a decade ago, has been under scrutiny over laws and conditions for migrant workers helping to build infrastructure for the tournament.</p>
<p>FIFA president Gianni Infantino said last week Qatar has made social progress because of becoming the World Cup host.</p>
<p>Some of Norway’s soccer clubs have called for a boycott of the World Cup.</p>
<p>National team coach Stale Solbakken said ahead of the Gibraltar game that his team “can do things that the world might see” to put pressure on Qatar.</p>
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