Federal officers seek to block shooting trial in state court

<p>ALEXANDRIA, Va. &mdash; A federal judge is scheduled to hear arguments on whether Virginia prosecutors can bring manslaughter charges against two U.S. Park Police officers accused of fatally shooting an unarmed motorist in 2017.</p>
<p>Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano obtained indictments last year against officers Alejandro Amaya and Lucas Vinyard in the shooting death of Bijan Ghaisar, 25, of McLean, after a stop-and-go chase on the George Washington Memorial Parkway near the nation’s capital.</p>
<p>Descano <a href="https://apnews.com/article/shootings-police-885f611364389bd0bdcd6406b061d6e1">indicted the pair</a> after the Justice Department opted against filing criminal charges.</p>
<p>But the officers are seeking to have the case removed from state jurisdiction, citing their status as federal officers.</p>
<p>Descano and Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring filed joint briefs arguing that the local prosecution should be allowed to proceed.</p>
<p>After months of inaction, a hearing is scheduled for Friday morning in U.S. District Court in Alexandria in front of Judge Claude Hilton.</p>
<p>Ghaisar’s family has long decried the years of inaction by federal prosecutors; they say justice demands that the officers be held accountable.</p>