Franklin schools to leave decisions about masks to parents

As of Thursday, it will be up to schools to decide whether to make masks optional or required this coming school year, but most local districts haven’t finalized their plans yet.

Franklin schools shared with families last week its plan to not to require masks during the 2021-22 academic year.

School officials decided it would be best to leave the decision up to parents, said David Clendening, Franklin schools superintendent.

“We believe that parents are the best decision-makers for their kids,” school officials said in an email. “As there will not be a mask mandate in Franklin outside of the school setting, we felt like it was best to make them optional within the school setting.”

Indiana Executive Order 21-15, which Gov. Eric Holcomb signed May 28, puts mask decisions in schools’ hands starting Thursday. Previously, students throughout Indiana were required to wear masks in schools.

Edinburgh and Greenwood schools are both in the midst of leadership changes, and haven’t yet made any decisions about masks moving forward. Outgoing Greenwood Superintendent Kent DeKoninck said previously there will likely not be a mask mandate.

“It doesn’t appear at this point we would be requiring masks in school, but the level we require them would be at the recommendation of the health department,” DeKoninck said earlier this month.

Center Grove Superintendent Rich Arkanoff said he anticipates masks will be optional, but school officials won’t commit to that until July.

Clark-Pleasant schools, which received a plethora of parent comments about a potential mask requirement during its June school board meeting, has not yet made a decision either.

Indian Creek’s decision could come as early as next week, Superintendent Tim Edsell said.

“I will seek board approval, but we’re already having conversations with stakeholder groups, the leadership team and the school board association,” Edsell said.