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Center Grove schools plans to spend more than $30 million on additions and upgrades to both of its middle schools.

The Center Grove School Board will consider the renovation projects at Middle School Central and Middle School North at its Sept. 16 meeting, during which members of the public will be allowed to share their thoughts on the proposed projects.

If approved, it would be the second renovation project to cost more than $30 million in the last three years.

In 2018, the school board approved a $45 million high school renovation that included a natatorium with an Olympic-sized swimming pool which opened this summer, and new classrooms with flexible furniture, new carpeting, walls and LED lights.

About $22.3 million would go toward work at Middle School Central. Accounting for population growth in the area and an increased student body — Center Grove schools estimates it will have 10,000 students in five years — officials want to add 12 classrooms, two science rooms, two art rooms, and renovate and expand the cafeteria and kitchen, according to district documents.

About $8.5 million would be spent at Middle School North, where officials want to add a band room, renovate the music and orchestra rooms, replace temperature controls and expand the cafeteria, district documents show.

Officials want to add security cameras and enhance safety and security at both schools, documents show.

The two middle school projects would account for an additional $30.8 million to the district’s debt, though school officials have mapped out projects in such a way that they don’t have to raise property taxes.

The district will pay off bonds over a 20-year period starting in 2024, said Paul Gabriel, Center Grove’s chief financial officer.

More work is needed at Middle School Central because it has more students than Middle School North, Gabriel said during a school board meeting earlier this month.

“The current enrollment (at Middle School North) is smaller than Middle School Central, and (North) is a little bit bigger,” he said.

If all goes as planned, the Middle School North project would be completed in the summer of 2023, with the Middle School Central project wrapping up the following summer.