Enclave Boulevard closure delayed due to weather

Planned roadwork on Greenwood’s far westside is delayed due to weather.

Enclave Boulevard between Enclave Crossing and Clary Boulevard North Drive was expected to be closed this week for work due to the city’s Western Regional Interceptor project. However, due to weather impacts, the road closure has been pushed back until Friday.

Despite the delay, the official detour route remains the same. Northbound drivers should take Clary Lane to Clary Boulevard South Drive, then State Road 135 to Clary Boulevard North Drive. Southbound drivers are encouraged to follow the route in reverse.

Residents who live along Enclave Crossing and Enclave Lane will have access to their homes via Clary Circle Drive for the duration of the closure, city officials said.

The Western Regional Interceptor encompasses 10 miles of sewer pipeline through White River Township, which is serviced by Greenwood’s sanitary sewer system. When it’s completed, the project will alleviate capacity issues, while also expanding capacity for future development in Greenwood and White River Township.

The closure is expected to end on or by April 22, weather permitting.