Recycling district to offer document shredding, chemical disposal this weekend

Local residents looking to shred old documents, recycle electronics or dispose of household chemicals will have an opportunity to do so this weekend.

The Johnson County Recycling District and Shares, Inc. will host a document shredding and electronics collection event on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at the district’s office at 900 Arvin Road, Suite A, Franklin. The event is free and open to county residents and businesses, according to a recycling district news release.

All items for collection need to be placed in the trunk, hatch, or truck bed, as no one will be allowed out of their vehicles. If staff have to enter the cabin of the vehicle for items, all passengers will be required to wear a mask, the news release says.

Documents will be collected in locked containers and shredded off-site at Shares, Inc. in Shelbyville. If residents are bringing large quantities of items to be shredded, they should be left behind in a container, with boxes being preferred, according to the news release.

Additionally, no TVs or computer monitors will be accepted for electronics recycling, the news release says.

For household chemical disposal, the Johnson County Tox Box, 1051 Hospital Road, Franklin, will be open for residential use from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday as well. The site is open to appointments only, and to register for an apportionment slot, residents should go to, according to the news release.

Disposal is free and acceptable items include household cleaning supplies, yard and pool chemicals, automotive fluids poisons, aerosol cans, adhesives, oil-based paints and stains. No latex paint, batteries or light bulbs will be accepted, the news release says.

For more information, residents are asked to call the recycling district at 317-738-2546 or visit