Letter: Departing clerk-treasurer says ‘thank-you’ to supporters

To the Editor:

As I wind up my career there are so many good memories and people that I want to thank. My dad, who introduced me to politics by allowing me to clerk at his polling place my senior year in high school. My brother, who encouraged me to run the very first time. My mom, who walked door to door with me campaigning. My husband and family, who supported me along the way.

Jeff Madsen, the first reporter I ever worked with, who taught me the ropes and respected anything said in confidence. Lee Robbins, our attorney who has been my mentor, voice of reason and friend throughout this journey. My coworkers, who are amazing, for being the best team anyone could ever hope for. So many great councilmembers, who have served alongside me with integrity, compassion, dedication and determination all while being financially responsible. Members of the Proctor Park Committee, who made the dream of a Veterans Park a reality in New Whiteland.

What a difference each and every one of you have made in my life.

Lastly to the residents of New Whiteland, it has been my greatest honor and privilege to serve this community for the last 35 years. Thank you for your trust and support and for this amazing opportunity.

God bless you all,

Maribeth Alspach

New Whiteland