Letter: US 31 project could be U-turn to online shopping

To the Editor:

In the world of commerce, success has benefited those businesses that make it more convenient for the customer to purchase their product. The multitude of ways is enormous and includes drive-throughs, online ordering, self-checkout, card readers, et cetera. That makes me think that the proposed INDOT project that will construct something like Michigan left turns on U.S. 31 is going to penalize Franklin businesses by making shopping less convenient. Instead of navigating the U-turns, it will be easier to just log on to Amazon and let their drivers metaphorically make the U-turns for you. After all, Amazon has perfected making shopping more convenient, while the Indiana state government has decided to make shopping in Franklin less convenient. And, if business revenue drops due to the proposed project, so will tax revenue. So maybe we should be hearing what local politicians think about the proposal.

Dale R. Sedler
