Letter to the Editor: The circus through the eyes of an animal lover

To the Editor:

The big top circus tent went up last Sunday morning as the Culpepper & Merriweather circus came to New Whiteland for two shows. I saw two types of performers – consenting human performers and non-consenting animal performers brought in cages and chains. As a person who loves animals and is passionate about voicing against animal exploitation and cruelty, I visited the circus to bear witness to what these animals endure for a few hours of human entertainment. This circus is on the road for most of the year, traveling to over 200 towns in 17 different states. Imagine being carted around like a display object and made to perform unnatural tricks for days together. Where did we lose our compassion along the way, to turn a blind eye toward animal abuse?

The big cats were caged, all for a few minutes of silly tricks such as rolling on the ground or jumping on tables. Let it sink in for a minute that while we get to go back to the comfort of our homes and our families after the show, these animals never will. They know no freedom beyond their enclosures, nor no family beyond the humans who exploit them. Regardless of how these animals are treated, a bird in a golden cage will still be unhappy. Most of the circus animals are born in captivity and will likely die in captivity unless the circus retires them to wildlife sanctuaries.

Two horses were brought for the next act, where two fully-grown adults were nearly jumping on the backs of these horses as they ran around in tight circles. Have we reduced their lives to a mere performance and not as sentient beings who deserve a life free of abuse just like us?

While this was happening inside the tent, there were some ponies strapped with very short chains to metal rods attached to a central pole. They did not seem to have room to even scratch an itch. Their only choice was to walk around in circles for hours, with kid after kid on their back. It broke my heart to see how lifeless they looked. When did we decide we can enforce our lifestyle choices on these animals? Kids would be more than happy with an electric merry-go-round.

Let us not support any circus or traveling show that brings animals. There are wonderful animal-free circuses that showcase talented and consenting human performers such as Cirque Italia, Cirque du Soleil, Circus Vargas, et cetera. Animal-free, humane entertainment is a sign of a progressive society. Let us each be one less person harming animals. Please ask your elected representatives to ban the use of animals in circuses.

Sandy Jey
