Letter to Editor: Board endorsements helpful

To the Editor:

Your Oct. 19 page 1 story about school board candidate endorsements painted a very ominous picture of the parental advocacy group known as Purple for Parents of Indiana.

The organization was described as a “right-leaning group” that holds “controversial views on hot-button issues.” It reported that the group’s Facebook website carries articles from “right-leaning or conservative news sites.”

And horror of horrors, some videos posted on the website were taken down by Facebook because they were deemed to contain “misinformation” and “debunked theories.”

That all sounded pretty worrisome, so I plowed through the almost full-page article to see if I could ascertain more precisely just what views these people hold.

What I could gather was that these school board candidates, like millions of Americans today, are concerned that public schools may be promoting social agendas that run counter to the more traditional moral beliefs held by the majority of parents.

What’s wrong with that? This is Indiana. We are not comfortable with concepts such as critical race theory, social-emotional learning and cutting-edge sex education that promotes behaviors totally inappropriate for children.

And we really don’t care if the far-left fact-checkers at Facebook are offended.

We want our schools to teach our children to read and write, to understand math and science, and to master the modern technological world they will live in.

So thank you, Daily Journal, for helping me figure out which school board candidates I will be voting for.

Lawrence MacIntyre
