Local firefighters warn public to stay off the ice

Recent sub-zero temperatures created a layer of ice over local ponds and waterways. However, warming temperatures are thinning that ice.

Bargersville Community Fire Department issued a warning to stay off the ice. It is important to remember that ponds do not freeze evenly, especially in Central and Southern Indiana, Mike Pruitt, Bargersville deputy fire chief said in the public advisory message.

The ice has created a dangerous environment because it may look solid to the untrained eye and attract children and adults to venture out on for recreational purposes. With temperatures fluctuating up and down with a predicted warm up this week, these ponds can become a death trap, Pruitt said.

People should call authorities if they see children playing on the ice and verbally tell them to leave the pond, he said.

If a person falls through the ice, people should immediately call 911 and if possible, throw something to the person like a rope, extension cord, or anything that will float, he said.

People should also keep their pets on leashes, as animals could venture onto the pond and fall through, he said.

People should never venture out to rescue a person, pet or wild animal as an attempted rescuer could also become a victim, Pruitt said.