Key sections of White River branch reopen

Key sections of the Johnson County Public Library’s White River branch reopened to the public this week.

Library staff members reopened the adult, teen and media collection two weeks after pipe breaks flooded those sections. While the branch was closed for one day after the breaks, patrons were unable to directly access those areas most affected by the flooding after the branch reopened Dec. 27.

The water damage hasn’t been completely repaired, and a small amount of the library’s collection is still unavailable, but staff members can work with patrons to get them what they need. Patrons shouldn’t try to get those items themselves, including books that have been placed on top of shelves, according to a news release from the Johnson County Public Library.

The adult area will need to undergo more fixes in the near future, library officials have to replace carpeting that was flooded after the pipes burst. Patrons won’t be able to access some materials in that area while the carpet is replaced, library officials say.