Letter to the Editor: It’s time to stand up to the NRA

To the Editor:

What has happened to the Republican Party in our country?

At one time it was a proud political party that believed in honest government, conservatism, support and a strong education system of our children. It was a country that loved our children, and promoted the safety and education of our children.

No More.

What happened?

Former President Donald Trump happened.

Trump took over the party with his lies, corruption, insurrection and attack on our democracy. There is not much more you can say about how this ultra-rich man is destroying our country day by day, lie by lie. His hatred of people who do not look like him is disgusting.

Did we ever have a ruling government that promoted war on our young children by accepting huge sums of money from the NRA to openly promote and sell weapons of war to the mentally sick so the mentally sick could attack grade schools and kill hundreds of our children and teachers in their classrooms? Did we ever have a country that invaded itself? Any adult who supports this kind of political party should think harder about what they’re supporting.

What can be done to stop it? Pray to your God that the Republican Party is reborn and changes itself. The Republican Party once joined other Americans who fought in our wars, to save our country from fascist enemies, but today it stands up for the manslaughter of children, young adults and seniors.

This is not “rocket science.” This is common sense. This is love for your family. This is love for your children.

Wake up Republicans! The next time you vote. Vote for your children first. Not some poor soul who has millions of dollars in wealth and is begging for you to pay his bills. Pray for those Republicans who rise to the challenge to vote and vote intelligently.

Pray for your country’s democracy, for the safety of your children, pray for your children to go to school safe and return safe every day.

Richard DeTorre
