Letter to the Editor: Make sure the justice system gets justice

To the Editor:

On April 25, 1998, 25 years ago, our brother Mike was tragically struck and killed while on a long-distance bike trip in Franklin. The driver was found to be impaired by cocaine and marijuana, and also driving with a suspended license. He had many prior run-ins with the law. After many trial delays, the driver was given a suspended sentence only — no jail time. Our brother is dead, and no one was ever held accountable. Our parent’s hearts broke that day.

This is not about rehashing all that went wrong with that investigation and trial, because it will not bring our brother back. We want to thank the people who stopped to help him that day, even though it was too late — he died instantly. Our criminal justice system, or lack thereof-needs work. In this and other cases, the victims and their families did not get the justice they deserved. Those in power to make changes, please do so! Next time, it could be your family who suffers a major loss.

If you are doing drugs or drinking, make the right choice and don’t get behind the wheel of any vehicle. You or someone else could pay the ultimate price — just like we did.

Margaret Tumbarello Hesdorfer

New York