Letter to Editor: Elections, in my dreams

To the Editor:

I find it so sad when candidates spend their time dissing their rivals.

What I want to hear is: What you want to do if elected; How you would make life better for your constituents; Your thoughts on moral, educational and civic issues; How you would seek the cooperation of any departments that could help reach your goals; and your five and 10-year plans for improving the area of your candidacy.

What I don’t want to hear is exaggerated, half-truths and dug-up events in the life of your opponent. If we all didn’t make some mistakes in our lives, we wouldn’t be human. It is not your job to convict of sin or mistakes.

It is especially sad that this has to happen on the local level. I love Greenwood, and I like to think that all candidates treat their fellow man as they should: with respect and truthfulness. If you can’t do this, don’t run for office and quit filling my mailbox with your attempts to make yourself look better than your opponent. It just shows your desperation.

I don’t care what side of the fence you are on, it’s not right, and you will never get my vote.

Dorothy Short
