Letter to the Editor: Gun violence is a people, morality problem

To the Editor:

This is in response to the letter to the editor on May 11, about “Get past party politics; support the children:”

I was amazed at the lack of knowledge about firearms. The firearms described are not automatic firearms. They are semi-automatic firearms. One must pull the trigger for the firearm to discharge! This technology was invented in the 1800s.

Gun violence is not a political problem, but a lack of morality. We cannot legislate it, so we attack the item used for murder. It is a people problem. Our children and grandchildren are sadly not being taught morals. It is our fault.

A firearm does not kill; people kill. We can stop the sale of all firearms, but people can still kill with knives, automobiles, rocks and their bare hands. Are they deader, if they are killed with a firearm? We will never ban automobiles, knives, rocks or bare hands.

Good intentions were expressed by the writer, but it is still a people problem, not an inanimate item. There is one thing that the writer wrote that I agree with, we should vote intelligently in the next election. If law-abiding citizens have no means of protection, who has the weapons?

John Quinn
