Former AG Curtis Hill launches gubernatorial bid

Former embattled Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill joins the growing list of politicos running to succeed term-limited Gov. Eric Holcomb in 2024.

Hill touted his experience as a prosecutor and said the “government institution” needed a revival and someone to “hold lawmakers and government bureaucrats accountable.”

“Hoosiers are hungry for a proven conservative leader with the courage to stand up for the traditional values upon which our Republic was built. Our campaign will emphasize a positive vision for Indiana, restoring faith in our institutions, protecting our children, investing in our law enforcement, prioritizing the rebuilding of our economy and placing the needs of Hoosiers above the manipulation of Washington, D.C.,” Hill said in a release.

He announced his run on Fox News Digital.

The Indiana Supreme Court suspended Hill’s law license for 30 days after finding he committed criminal battery when he groped four women, including a legislator, during a party at an Indianapolis bar in 2018. The court’s disciplinary commission recommended revoking his license for two years.

Hill maintains he did nothing wrong but Attorney General Todd Rokita defeated him in a GOP convention fight when Hill ran for re-election.

He joins U.S. Sen. Mike Braun, Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, Fort Wayne businessman Eric Doden and Jamie Reitenour in the race for the Republican nomination. Frontrunners Braun, Crouch and Doden all have deep pockets, setting the stage for a potentially expensive campaign.

Hill previously filed to fill a vacancy in the 2nd Congressional District after the unexpected death of Rep. Jackie Walorski, though delegates selected Rudy Yakym as Walorski’s successor.

The Indiana Capital Chronicle is an independent, not-for-profit news organization that covers state government, policy and elections.