GPL Column: Bringing The Children’s Museum to the library

A few months ago my son brought home a flyer advertising a Children’s Museum family program at his school. All he needed to see was the “Children’s Museum” and he was in.

Our family went to his school the evening of the program and found that the gymnasium had been set up with multiple stations, all focusing on the museum’s Power of Children exhibit. Together, our family completed hands-on activities and looked at books that brought the exhibit to life, and to our community.

We’ve always felt lucky to live so close to the world’s largest children’s museum, but there was something so exciting about having the museum at our very own school. It also allowed us to really focus on one topic, whereas at the museum our son tends to bounce around from exhibit to exhibit. Our entire family learned so much that evening, and had a great time doing it. I couldn’t leave the school without asking museum representatives if they do similar programs at libraries, and was thrilled to hear that they do!

Since that evening we have been working with the Children’s Museum to bring the Beyond Spaceship Earth program to Greenwood Public Library, which aligns perfectly with our “Reach for the Stars” Summer Challenge! On July 20 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., our community room will be transformed into a mini-museum with seven hands-on stations available for families to explore. Families can learn about life in space and discover what it is like on the International Space Station. Participants will work with robotics and circuitry to solve challenges, all while experiencing a little bit of outer space here on Earth.

Stations include:

  • NASA Today
  • Engineering for Flight
  • ISS Investigation
  • NASA Insider: Aerospace Travel Through Time
  • Working in Space
  • Living in Microgravity
  • Robots in Space

Library volunteers, trained by the Children’s Museum, will be on hand at each station to guide families through the activities.

Another exciting component of this program is a presentation, “Join the Crew,” led by museum staff. During this in-depth presentation, families will learn about the different jobs, beyond that of astronauts, that make space exploration possible. The presentation will be offered twice, at 5:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Families can register for one presentation time, and spend the rest of the evening visiting the stations at their own pace.

What is unique about this program is that it is designed for entire families to learn together, not just kids alone. We are so excited for families to join us for this program.

While you’re here, be sure to visit the Kids Department. We have an entire Space section (shelved under Nonfiction/Science) filled with everything you’d want to know about the universe! Browse our kit wall, where you can find STEAM kits including kits about Outer Space, Telescope, Women of NASA, and our History kit: Space Race. All of these kits and more are available to check out with a library card, and feature hands-on activities and books.

Whether it is through programs like this in conjunction with a world-class museum, or our dynamic collection of books and kits, GPL is pleased to bring the universe to you and help you “Reach for the Stars” this summer.

To register for Beyond Spaceship Earth, as well as other programs, visit us online at

Katie Friedericks is a Kids Services Librarian at Greenwood Public Library. GPL staff members share in writing this twice-monthly column for the Daily Journal. Send comments to [email protected].