UPDATE: Whiteland Elementary closed on first day following water damage

UPDATE: 4:20 p.m. July 26, 2023

Whiteland Elementary School will be open for classes Thursday after water damage caused classes to be canceled today.

In an update Wednesday afternoon, school officials said restoration crews were able to make “great progress” in cleaning up water damage that occurred overnight. About four to five classrooms experienced water damage to items including carpet tiles, supplies, books, equipment and ceiling tiles.

All of the damage was confined to one section of the school. The rest of the building did not experience any damage, officials said.

Original story

The school year will start at least a day later for one Clark-Pleasant elementary school.

Overnight rain seeped into Whiteland Elementary School through a part of the school’s roof that is being repaired. About five classrooms and surrounding hallways sustained water damage and classes were canceled for the day, said Rick Hightower, a Clark-Pleasant spokesman.

School officials are working to clean up the water and secure the roof, as all other Clark-Pleasant schools resume for the school year.

Parents will be notified when a decision is made about when classes can resume.